Abstract Submission

Deadline September 30, 2025

Abstract Submission Form

all fields are required *


Please comply with the following specifications:

  • Font: Times New Roman 12
  • Title: Capitals and bold
  • Authors: Italics and bold, and the presenting author also underlined
  • Please include affiliations of all authors and the e-mail address of the presenting author
  • Only abstracts in English will be accepted
  • Abstract Max 250 words, not including the title, authors and affiliations
  • Only ONE-page abstracts will be accepted (including figures or tables)
  • Please be aware that it is your responsibility to fill in all the data correctly and completely. Any errors in spelling, grammar or scientific facts will be reproduced as typed by the author
  • Only ONE abstract per registration (author or co-author) will be accepted
  • If you wish to include an image, table or a figure please submit it as a “*.tiff” file
  • Image files should be embedded in the final section.
  • Figures, tables and graphics submitted in the abstract must follow the ACS rules available at:

PLEASE NOTE: Poster size: A0 - 90cm wide and 120cm high, in portrait format (not landscape).

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Please feel free to contact us. We will get back to you within 2 business days.

+91 80 42505000